Source code for spyql.log

import logging
import asciichartpy as colors
import sys
import json

from spyql.utils import quote_ifstr

error_on_warning = False  # overrided by command line arg

[docs]def colored(val, color): """ Creates string representation of `val` for color printing """ return color + str(val) + colors.reset
[docs]def mk_user_msg(level, level_color, message, code=None, code_color=colors.lightyellow): return ( colored(level, level_color) + f"\t{message}" + f"{': ' + colored(code, code_color) if code is not None else ''}" )
[docs]def user_error(message, exception, code=None, vars=None): """ Reports an error, throwing the original exception Prints a custom message. Prints the data that originated the exception (if available). """ sys.tracebacklimit = 0 logging.error(mk_user_msg("ERROR", colors.lightred, message, code)) if vars and vars.get("input_row_number") and vars.get("_values"): logging.error( f"\tat data row #{vars['input_row_number']}: " + colored(vars["_values"], colors.darkgray) ) raise exception from None
[docs]def user_warning(message, exception=None, code=None): """ Reports a warning. Prints a custom message. If `error_on_warning` is True, raises an error instead. """ if error_on_warning: user_error(message, exception if exception else Exception(message), code) logging.warning(mk_user_msg("WARNING", colors.lightyellow, message, code))
[docs]def user_info(message, code=None): """ Reports (verbose) information. """"INFO",, message, code, colors.yellow))
[docs]def user_debug(message, code=None): """ Reports (verbose) information. """ logging.debug( mk_user_msg("DEBUG", colors.lightcyan, message, code, colors.lightgray) )
[docs]def user_debug_dict(message, adict): """ Reports (debug) information, printing a dict as a pretty json. """ user_debug(message, json.dumps(adict, indent=4))
[docs]def user_warning4func(message, exception, *args, **kwargs): user_warning( message, exception, ",".join( [quote_ifstr(v) for v in args] + [f"{k}={quote_ifstr(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items()] ), )
[docs]def conversion_warning(atype, exception, *args, **kwargs): user_warning4func( f"could not convert string to {atype}, returning NULL", exception, *args, **kwargs, )