Source code for spyql.parser

from spyql.quotes_handler import QuotesHandler
from spyql import agg, log, utils
from spyql.processor import Processor
from spyql.writer import Writer
import re
import inspect
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

query_struct_keywords = [
    "group by",
    "order by",

# helper dict for the parsing.
# maps the first word of a keyword into the list of words that make the keyword
# e.g. `{"select": ["select"], ..., "group": ["group", "by"], ...}`
query_struct_keyword_dict: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
    kw_tokens[0]: kw_tokens
    for kw_tokens in [kw.split() for kw in query_struct_keywords]

[docs]def get_agg_funcs(): # TODO replace this by register mechanism to allow for user-defined aggregation funcs = inspect.getmembers(agg, inspect.isfunction) return {f[0] for f in funcs}
agg_funcs = get_agg_funcs()
[docs]def extract_funcs(expr): return re.findall(r"(\w+)\s*\(", expr)
[docs]def has_agg_func(expr): return agg_funcs.intersection(extract_funcs(expr))
[docs]def throw_error_if_has_agg_func(expr, clause_name): a = has_agg_func(expr) if has_agg_func(expr): log.user_error( f"aggregate functions are not allowed in {clause_name} clause", SyntaxError("bad query"), ",".join(a), )
[docs]def has_reference2row(expr): return"\brow\b", make_expr_ready(expr)) is not None
[docs]class KeywordOrderValidator: """ Check if the keyword position is valid """ def __init__(self, keywords): self.keywords = keywords self.present_keyword_idx = -1
[docs] def run(self, keyword: Optional[str]): # eg. invalid if 'from' clause appear after 'where' clause if self.present_keyword_idx >= self.keywords.index(keyword): log.user_error( "could not parse query", SyntaxError(f"misplaced '{keyword}' clause"), ) self.present_keyword_idx = self.keywords.index(keyword)
[docs]def parse_structure(query: str): """parse the supported keywords, which must follow a given order""" tokens: List[str] = [] for line in query.splitlines(): if "#" in line: # Remove comment from parse targets line = line.split("#", 1)[0] tokens += line.split() # dict to be returned with query contents splitted by keyword query_struct: Dict[Optional[str], Optional[str]] = { kw: None for kw in query_struct_keywords } # tokens that are candidates to be keywords (first word of the keyword matches) matchable_tokens: List[Optional[List[str]]] = [ query_struct_keyword_dict.get(token.lower()) for token in tokens ] # positions of each (validated) keyword keyword_positions = [ (i, matchable_token) for i, matchable_token in enumerate(matchable_tokens) if matchable_token and [t.lower() for t in tokens[i : i + len(matchable_token)]] == matchable_token ] # when no keywords are found, returns an empty struct # (will raise a 'SELECT keyword is missing' error) if not keyword_positions: return query_struct # when there are tokens before the first keyword, returns an error if keyword_positions[0][0] > 0: log.user_error( "could not parse query", SyntaxError(f"misplaced '{tokens[0]}' at the beginning of the query"), ) # helper to make sure keywords follow the right order validator = KeywordOrderValidator(query_struct_keywords) # captures the text between keywords and makes sure keyword order is correct for i, (pos, kw) in enumerate(keyword_positions): kw_str = " ".join(kw) pos_next = ( keyword_positions[i + 1][0] if i < len(keyword_positions) - 1 else None ) query_struct[kw_str] = " ".join(tokens[pos + len(kw) : pos_next]) return query_struct
[docs]def pythonize(s): """replaces sql/custom syntax by python syntax""" # TODO check for special SQL stuff such as in, is, like # s = re.compile(r"([^=<>])={1}([^=])").sub(r"\1==\2", s) # DECISION: expressions are PURE python code :-) # make sure the `as` keyword is always lowcase # (currently only needed for imports) s = re.compile(r"\s+AS\s+", re.IGNORECASE).sub(" as ", s) # replace count_agg(*) and count_distinct_agg(*) by appropriate calls s = re.compile(r"\bcount\_agg\s*\(\s*\*\s*\)").sub("count_agg(1)", s) s = re.compile(r"\bcount\_distinct\_agg\s*\(\s*\*\s*\)").sub( "count_distinct_agg(tuple(_values))", s ) # universal access syntax # `.column` is converted to `row.column` s = re.compile(r"(^|[^\)\]\}\.\w\"\'\`])\.(?=[A-Za-z_])").sub(r"\1row.", s) # `.` is converted to `row` s = re.compile(r"(^|[^\)\]\}\.\w\"\'\`])\.(?!\d)").sub(r"\1row", s) # easy shortcut for navigating through dics (of dics) # e.g. `json->hello->'planet hearth'` converts into # `json['hello']['planet hearth']` # first replace quoted keys (they do not need quotes) s = re.compile(r"->(%s)" % (QuotesHandler.string_placeholder_re())).sub(r"[\1]", s) # then replace unquoted keys (they need quotes) s = re.compile(r"->([^\d\W]\w*)").sub(r"['\1']", s) return s
[docs]def split_multi_expr_clause(s): """ Transforms "abc, (123 + 1) * 2, f(a,b)" into ["abc", "(123 + 1) * 2", "f(a,b)"] """ sin = list(s) sep = [-1] rb = 0 # () cb = 0 # {} sb = 0 # [] for i in range(len(sin)): c = sin[i] if c == "(": rb = rb + 1 elif c == ")": rb = rb - 1 elif c == "{": cb = cb + 1 elif c == "}": cb = cb - 1 elif c == "[": sb = sb + 1 elif c == "]": sb = sb - 1 elif c == "," and rb == 0 and cb == 0 and sb == 0: sep.append(i) sep.append(None) parts = [s[sep[i] + 1 : sep[i + 1]].strip() for i in range(len(sep) - 1)] return parts
[docs]def parse_select(sel, strings): """splits the SELECT clause into columns and find their names""" # TODO support column alias without AS modif_pattern = r"^\s*(?:(DISTINCT)\s+)?(?:(PARTIALS)\s+)?" modifs =, sel.upper()) has_distinct = "DISTINCT" in modifs.groups() has_partials = "PARTIALS" in modifs.groups() sel = sel[modifs.span()[1] :] # remove modifiers from expression res = [] as_pattern = re.compile(r"\s+AS\s+", re.IGNORECASE) for expr in split_multi_expr_clause(sel): sas =, expr) name = "" if sas: name = expr[(sas.span()[1]) :].strip() expr = expr[: (sas.span()[0])] else: # automatic output column name from expression # removes json/row 'variables' reference (visual garbage) name = re.compile(r"(\b)(?:json|row)(->|\[|\.)").sub( r"\1", make_expr_ready(expr) ) # makes the string a valid python variable name name = utils.make_str_valid_varname(strings.put_strings_back(name)) if expr.strip() == "*": expr = "*" name = "*" else: name = strings.put_strings_back(name, quote=False) expr = f"{make_expr_ready(expr)}" res.append({"name": name, "expr": expr}) return res, has_distinct, has_partials
[docs]def parse_orderby(clause, strings): """splits the ORDER BY clause and handles modifiers""" res = [] mod_pattern = re.compile(r"(?:\s+(DESC|ASC))?(?:\s+NULLS\s+(FIRST|LAST)\s*)?$") for expr in split_multi_expr_clause(clause): modifs =, expr.upper()) rev = "DESC" in modifs.groups() rev_nulls = ((not rev) and "FIRST" in modifs.groups()) or ( rev and "LAST" in modifs.groups() ) expr = expr[: (modifs.span()[0])] # remove modifiers try: expr = int(expr) # special case: expression is output column number except ValueError: expr = make_expr_ready(expr) res.append({"expr": expr, "rev": rev, "rev_nulls": rev_nulls}) return res
[docs]def parse_groupby(clause, select, strings): """splits the GROUP BY clause""" res = [] for expr in split_multi_expr_clause(clause): try: expr = int(expr) # special case: expression is output column number # in the case of group by, the expression is copied from select to avoid # group by depending on select (see spyql.processor._go) expr = select[expr - 1]["expr"] except ValueError: expr = make_expr_ready(expr) throw_error_if_has_agg_func(expr, "GROUP BY") res.append({"expr": expr}) return res
[docs]def extract_args(*args, **kwargs): return {"args": args, "kwargs": kwargs}
[docs]def parse_fromto(clause, strings, formats_list): formats_pattern = re.compile(rf"^(\w+)\s*(\(?.*$)") sformats =, clause) if not sformats or sformats.groups()[0].upper() not in formats_list: return make_expr_ready(clause) # python expression sformats = sformats.groups() res = eval( "extract_args" + ( strings.put_strings_back(make_expr_ready(sformats[1]), strings) if sformats[1] else "()" ) ) res["name"] = sformats[0] return res
[docs]def make_expr_ready(expr): return pythonize(expr).strip()
[docs]def parse(query, default_to_clause="MEMORY"): """parses the spyql query""" strings = QuotesHandler() query = strings.extract_strings(query) query_has_agg_funcs = has_agg_func(query) prs = parse_structure(query) prs["hints"] = {"has_reference2row": has_reference2row(query)} if not prs["to"]: prs["to"] = default_to_clause if not prs["select"]: log.user_error( "could not parse query", SyntaxError("SELECT keyword is missing") ) prs["select"], prs["distinct"], prs["partials"] = parse_select( prs["select"], strings ) for clause in set(query_struct_keywords) - { "select", "limit", "offset", "group by", "order by", }: if prs[clause]: if clause in {"where", "from"}: throw_error_if_has_agg_func(prs[clause], clause.upper()) if clause == "from": prs[clause] = parse_fromto( prs[clause], strings, Processor.input_processors().keys() ) elif clause == "to": prs[clause] = parse_fromto( prs[clause], strings, Writer.output_writers().keys() ) else: prs[clause] = make_expr_ready(prs[clause]) for clause in {"group by"}: if prs[clause]: prs[clause] = parse_groupby(prs[clause], prs["select"], strings) elif query_has_agg_funcs: # creates a dummy group by with a constant if there are agg functions # e.g. `select count_agg(*) from csv` prs[clause] = [{"expr": "'_OVERALL_'"}] if prs["order by"]: log.user_warning( "ORDER BY is useless since output will have a single result" ) if prs[clause] and prs["distinct"]: # This is feasible to implement but currently not supported log.user_error( "DISTINCT cannot be used in aggregation queries", SyntaxError("bad query"), ) for clause in {"order by"}: if prs[clause]: prs[clause] = parse_orderby(prs[clause], strings) for clause in {"limit", "offset"}: if prs[clause]: try: val = int(prs[clause]) prs[clause] = val if val > 0 else 0 except ValueError: prs[clause] = None return (prs, strings)